BNI International Referral Marketing Event in Rome

Friday 15 March 2019: BNI International Referral Marketing Event in Rome

Friday 15 March from 7.30 to 9.30, there will be the BNI Referral Marketing event regarding the launch of the new Rome BNI international Chapter.


BNI International Referral Marketing Event in Rome


The event is an important occasion for Professionals and Companies to discover new business opportunities,
meeting other Entrepreneurs.

The BNI Rome International Chapter is composed of Professionals and Companies who want to develop their
business with italian and foreign Companies.


BNI International Referral Marketing Event in Rome: an important business opportunity

During the BNI business breakfast you’ll have the opportunity to promote your firm, by exchanging your bunsiness card with visitors and members of the chapter.

At the beginning of the meeting, the Director of the Chapter will introduce the “mission” and the “vision” of
the BNI Rome International Chapter, speaking about:

  • the BNI business philosophy,
  • the benefits of BNI Organization,
  • the benefits for BNI members,

giving important tips on how to be succesful in this worldwide referral marketing organization.


BNI International Referral Marketing Event in Rome: prepare your presentation!

During the second phase of the meeting, both members of the chapter and visitors will introduce their
own business to guests. Each member presentation will last 60 seconds.


How to prepare an effective presentation: some important tips

How to prepare an effective presentation about your business?

In order to perform an effective presentation you must pay attention to:

  • the duration of your speech: no more than 60″.
  • The value proposition of your business: what are the peculiarities of your business?
  • What is your target? To whom would you like to be referred to?
  • Your “memory hook”: finish your presentation promoting your slogan/payoff.

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