Coming soon: BNI International Chapter launching in Rome
BNI is the most important referral marketing organization in the world: you can find a BNI “chapter” in many countries and cities.
In Rome, for instance, a new chapter is going to be launched: the “International BNI Chapter”: Professionals and Companies who want develop their business with other BNI chapter abroad Italy.
The Mission of BNI:
The Mission of a BNI chapter is putting a member in contact with Companies or Professionals in order to close new deals. The BNI philosophy is the “GIVERS GAIN”: i refer clients to you and you refer clients to me.
In a BNI chapter only one person may represent a professional category. For example, is not possible having two members in the same chapter, who offers web marketing services.
Thanks to BNI Connect (the BNI software application), you can record:
- individual meeting,
- referral exchanged,
- business produced.
60 seconds of introduction:
During a BNI meeting, you have 60″of introduction to explain your business and the referrals you are looking for.
How to be successful in BNI:
- being on time,
- presence at weekly meeting,
- stay on the entire duration of the meeting,
- -inviting guests.
Benefits of BNI Organization:
Benefits for the chapter members:
- meeting new Professionals and Companies,
- members are encouraged to visit other chapters, in Italy and abroad, in order to increase network contact (if a member travel in business he can visit other chapter).
Benefits for the visitors:
- meeting new Professionals and Companies.
Benefits for BNI Members
- increased business,
- competitive advantages,
- change in target clients.
extended network of contact,
- trust,
- synergies,
- BNI connect.
- meeting new Professionals,
- power team,
- networking,
- effective communication,
- marketing.